
You may have read countless times about the periodontal disease and its implications, but you did not understand exactly what it means and what major effects it can have on your teeth. Because this disease is an irreversible lesion, which over time leads to the loss of teeth on the dental arches.
Orizont Dent Stomatologie Constanta

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is a group of inflammatory oral infections caused by oral pathogens, which come in the form of a complex biofilm on the surface of the teeth, which over time, can lead to the destruction of teeth and supporting tissues.

Periodontal disease is a multifactorial polymicrobial infection characterized by the destruction of the connective tissues that support the tooth in the alveolus. The disease begins as an acute inflammation of the gingival tissue and untreated, it can progress with the formation of periodontal pockets and even teeth loss.

The oral cavity is home to over 6 trillion bacteria, representing over 700 species of bacteria and other microorganisms. When there is an imbalance between different bacterial species, the development of diseases of the oral cavity, carious lesions and periodontal diseases is favored.

Micro IDent tests

More than 500 bacterial species can cause and influence periodontal disease. At Orizont Dent, we recently introduced micro-IDent tests to identify areas at risk and early recognition of periodontal relapses.

Micro-IDent tests are useful for:
– identification of risk areas and early recognition of relapses;
– choosing the appropriate antibiotic and documenting therapeutic success;
– assessment of the risk of failed implant before treatment.

Moreover, this knowledge of the microbiological situation allows an early therapy that prevents the appearance or progression of the disease.

Periodontal treatment at Orizont Dent

Periodontal treatment includes surgical and non-surgical procedures, all aimed at removing plaque and pathogenic bacteria.

To stimulate the tissue regeneration processes at the oral level, we use dental plasmolifting.

The plasmolifting method involves the injection of autologous plasma in the inflamed areas of the gums, in the post-extraction alveoli, but also as a method of maintenance and regeneration of inflamed tissues.

This procedure treats inflammatory processes in the periodontal tissues and at the same time can lead to improved gum color and structure, influencing the repair and development of bone tissue and preventing further bone loss.